3v3 Monster Mash Tournament Field Map

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Tournament Details

WHEN: Sunday, October 13, 2024

First games expected to begin at 1:00 pm. If we experience unfavorable weather and are unable to reschedule we invite you to come select a jack-o-lantern pumpkin on us.

WHERE: BuildSoccer Park at Marbridge

2324 Bliss Spillar Rd, Manchaca, TX 78652

DETAILS: Boys and girls youth ages U7-U14.

$225 team registration fee with proceeds supporting BuildSoccer Park at Marbridge. We encourage Halloween themed uniforms. Registration deadline is fast approaching.


  • 3 game minimum per team
  • 24 minute games (two 12 minute halves with 2 min half time)
  • Home team wears DARK color / AWAY team wears LIGHT color and if conflict home team wears pinnies
  • Max roster size of 6 players


  • Out of bounds = kick-in restarts
  • Subs = unlimited
  • Clock = running
  • See below for complete list of rules




TEAM REGISTRATION: Teams must register and pay the registration fee to participate in the tournament. Teams should register into a division based upon player age, gender and playing experience. Any team or player determined by the Tournament Directors to have falsified their age for the purposes of creating a competitive advantage could be dismissed from the tournament. Teams that span more than one age group should register in the division of the oldest player on the team. Teams are responsible for registering in the appropriate division. Failure to properly register may result in disqualification from the tournament and the registration fee will not be refunded.

TEAM CHECK-IN & ROSTER: Each team must check-in prior to their first game and submit any outstanding registration fees at that time or they may be disqualified from the tournament. Roster changes can take place up until the team’s first scheduled game time as long as they are age appropriate. Teams cannot add or change players after the start of their first game. Tournament officials have the right to demand proof of age for any player included on the roster. The recommended roster size is 6 players. Players may only play on one team per division.

RULE 1: Number of Players — A team may have up to 3 players and must have at least of 2 players on the field to start a game.

RULE 2: Game Duration & Timekeeping — The game shall consist of two twelve (12) minute periods with a 2 minute half time. Rock, paper, scissors will determine direction and possession before the start of the game. Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, except in the playoffs. There are no team timeouts and the game clock does not stop for official timeouts.

RULE 3: Kick Off – The kick off is considered an indirect kick and may be taken in any direction.

RULE 4: Kick Ins – The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline instead of thrown in. Kick ins are considered an indirect kick. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched and changes position.

RULE 5: Restarts – Kickoffs, kick-ins, and indirect fouls are all indirect restarts. Direct free kicks, penalty kicks and corner kicks can be scored directly. Indirect kicks must only change position for the ball to be considered in play. Once the ball is ready to be put in play, the team in possession has 5 seconds to put the ball back in play or the ball is turned over.

RULE 6: Penalty Kicks – PKs shall be awarded if, in the referee’s opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction. Penalty kicks are direct kicks taken from the half line. The infraction does not automatically result in a red card.

RULE 7: Goal Scoring – A goal can be scored from the offensive half only. Kick-ins, goalkeeper throws/rolls, and free-kicks are indirect.

RULE 8: 5 Yard Rule – In all dead-ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal is closer than five yards, the ball shall be moved back so that it is five yards from the goal line.

RULE 9: Substitution — Subs may be made anytime the ball is out of play.

RULE 10: Offside – There is no offside.

RULE 11: Slide Tackling – Slide tackling directly toward the opponent is NOT permitted. If a player slides and makes contact with an opponent or as part of a tackle, a free kick shall be awarded. A player may slide to save a ball from going out-of-bounds, over the goal line, or to intercept a pass so long as they do not come in close contact with opponent.

RULE 12: Handling – Deliberate handling of the ball that denies a team of an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (at the discretion of the referee) will result in a penalty-kick and may include a yellow or red card given to the player committing the hand ball.

RULE 13: Protests of Rules – Protests will not be accepted. You are welcome to complain in your car on the way home as much as you like.

RULE 14: Game Balls – Home team is responsible for providing game ball(s) unless agreed upon with opponent for ball of higher quality.

RULE 15: Field Dimensions – The playing field shall be approximately 90 feet long by 60 feet wide.

RULE 16: Delay of Game – A player may be cautioned with a yellow card if it is deemed by the referee that the player is intentionally wasting time, such as by delaying an opponent’s restart or taking more than 5 seconds to restart.

RULE 17: Forfeits – Teams are given five minutes from scheduled game time, or from delayed start time due to unforeseen circumstances, before the Ref issues a forfeit. Any team forfeiting one game during the playoffs may be removed from the tournament.

RULE 18: Sportsmanship – Coaches will be held responsible for the good sportsmanship of themselves, their players, players’ parents and spectators.

RULE 19: Yellow Cards – Yellow cards may be shown to a player for a single offense or for persistent infringement. Players that receive two yellow cards in one game will result in a red card. (Please see red card rule). Any player accumulating three yellow cards during a tournament will automatically be suspended for their next game (no exceptions).

RULE 20: Red Cards – Refs have the right to eject a player or coach from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants sending off. If the player receiving the red card was on the field of play, the team must complete the remainder of the game a player short. The player receiving the red card will automatically be suspended for their next game (no exceptions). Players or coaches that are red carded must leave the immediate playing area, including the fan and team areas. If the player delays or refuses to leave, the game will be forfeited in favor of opposing team (regardless of the score at the time of the incident). **If player(s) is (are) issued red card(s) for fighting, player(s) will be ejected from the tournament and are subject to removal from the facility for the duration of the event.

RULE 21: Coach/Parent Ejection – Refs have the right to eject a coach or parent from any game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants ejection. Coaches or parents whom are ejected by the referee or tournament official must leave the field and area around the field before play will continue. If a coach or parent refuses to leave, the game will be forfeited in favor of the opposing team.

RULE 22: Weather-Related Issues – This tournament is outdoors, so in the event of severe weather, the Tournament Directors reserve the right to modify, reschedule, or cancel the tournament. Team entry fees are non-refundable.

RULE 23a: Standings and Tiebreakers in Qualifying (Pool) Play – Games will be scored according to the following: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. Ties in standings between two or more teams will be broken by: 1) Goal differential (no maximum amount of goals); 2) Fewest goals conceded; 3) Most goals scored (max 5 per game); 4) Best of 3 Penalty Shootout.

RULE 23b: Tiebreakers in Elimination Games – Elimination Games will have a Golden Goal Overtime Period of 5 minutes. The first team to score in overtime wins. If no team has scored in the 5-minute overtime, the winner shall be decided in a shootout with a coin toss to decide team-kicking order. Three players from each team remaining on the field at the end of the overtime period will be the only players to kick for their team. The 3 players will alternate in a sudden death penalty kick format until one team scores unanswered.

RULE 24: Heading – Current heading restrictions that apply in US Youth Soccer (such as no heading at age U11 and under) also apply in 3v3l.

RULE 25: Uniforms – All players must wear matching colored shirts. In the event of a conflict, the team that changes will be based on a) mutual agreement by coaches; b) rock, paper, scissors; or c) coin toss. Pinnies can be worn to resolve a uniform conflict.

RULE 26: Shin Guards – All players must wear shin guards.

RULE 27: Protective Casts – Players wearing protective casts must receive approval from the Tournament Directors and will be required to check in prior to each game with the referee to be permitted to play. If the referee on the field of play deems a player’s protective cast is unsafe in any way, the player will not be allowed to play until the Tournament Directors and athletic trainer re-approves the wearing of the protective cast.

***The Tournament Director will have final say on all disputes and interpretations of Tournament Rules.***

Patrick Miller


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Our soccer park serves thousands of youth soccer players and their families through Capital City Soccer Club programs and Austin SSC Kids rec soccer. We are also home to the Austin Women’s Soccer League. Our park is maintained by residents of The Marbridge Foundation, a home for adults with intellectual disabilities. This tournament allows us to provide the best quality fields we can to our soccer loving players and families!